

Judeo Moroccan dictionnary

​A Dictionary of Arabic as spoken by Moroccan Jews.

Semitic Words

​Comparative Lexicon of Semitic Languages.

NB: for the time being, it is a work in progress which is reachable only to the site administrators.

Related websites

​UFR d’Etudes arabes et hébraïques – Sorbonne Université

L’unité de formation et de recherche (UFR) d’études arabes et hébraïques propose une étude approfondie des langues, littératures et civilisations arabes ou hébraïques, de l’époque médiévale au monde contemporain.

Centre culturel Dalâla

Association which strives to promote Jewish Arabic cultural ties. It revolves around several actors who give courses in Hebrew and Arabic and also organize cultural events centered around jewish arabic ties in Near and Middle Eastern countries.